In cooperation with the project 100% MENSCH, VelsPol Deutschland e.V. and VelsPolBW e.V. The LGBTI* employee network in the police, judiciary and customs as well as Liebe wen Du willst! e.V.
If the motivation for a crime is based on dislike/hate towards queer people, it is "Politically Motivated Crime" (PMC). This is also referred to as hate crime.
If there are indications of PMC, the police must report this to the responsible police department for state protection so that they can initiate the necessary investigations. The state criminal investigation offices and the Federal Criminal Police Office keep statistics on the crimes committed.
The Federal Ministry of the Interior considers politically motivated crimes to be a "particular threat to our free democratic constitutional order." For this reason, politically motivated crime is punished more severely because of its particular seriousness and is listed separately in the police crime statistics (PCS).
In 2019, according to statistics from the Federal Ministry of the Interior, there were 564 crimes committed in Germany due to homophobia, biophobia, trans*- and inter*phobia. These crimes were classified as hate crime. 147 of them were violent offenses. However, a large proportion of the crimes are not reported. The number of unreported cases is over 90%.
We would like to give you a short guide on what you can do if you are affected by a homophobic, biophobic, trans*- or inter*phobic crime or if you witness one.